Category Articles

Smarties Vegan Candy Rockets

Are Smarties Vegan? (2023)

Smarties are a simple sugary candy that I definitely like, probably mostly because they’re a candy that is so easily portioned and one I don’t tend to eat an entire bag of at a time. But they’re pretty good, and…

Peeps Original Non-vegan Marshmallow Chicks

Are Peeps Vegan? (2023)

Peeps are arguably one of the most unhealthy calorie-dense nutrition-lacking things you can eat. But I have many fond memories of going into drugstores with my mother and buying them, as she always loved them. They were a little too…

Strawberry Pop Rocks

Are Pop Rocks Vegan? (2023)

Everyone in the USA remembers having these sometimes as a kid, right? They were the one candy nobody really liked but everyone wanted simply because they were/are fun. Unfortunately I have some bad news, Pop Rocks are NOT vegan. No…

Are Ring Pops Vegan

Are Ring Pops Vegan? (2023)

Ring pops were always a rare occasion in my family, I’d like to say it was because they were messier than other candies, which was true (shockingly), but in reality it was because my dad wouldn’t ever buy them since…

Vegan Wonka RazzApple Magic Fun Dip

Is Fun Dip Vegan? (2023)

Another one of my favorite candies out there was and still is fun-dip. The near flavorless questionably edible stick (that I actually loved) and literal sugar dip was always irresistible. But what is Fun Dip ACTUALLY made out of? Is…

Are Altoids Vegan?

Are Altoids Vegan? (2023)

Altoids were my favorite mint behind Tic Tacs, but much like them they are and in this case somewhat shockingly to me, not vegan. Original Peppermint Altoids are not vegan because they contain Gelatin, an animal product made from boiling…

Vegan Dum Dums

Are Dum Dums Vegan? (2023)

Dum Dums are one of my favorite candies and one I nearly always have some of. They’re low in calories, have very simple ingredients, kids love them, they’re a good size, and they aren’t sticky or messy. Dum Dums are…

Original Mike And Ikes

Are Mike and Ikes Vegan? (2023)

I’ve never actually had mike and Ike’s before and never have been offered any till today. I declined, not knowing anything about them and not feeling like dirtying my teeth for a bite of candy.  But that event made made…

Vegan Bottle Cap Box

Are Bottle Caps Vegan? (2023)

Bottle Caps used to be one of my favorite candies. The orange flavor was always my favorite. I remember nabbing all the orange ones and avoiding the cherries, as cherry was always the flavor I didn’t like. It’s not that…

Are Tic Tacs Vegan - Orange Tic Tacs

Are Tic Tacs Vegan? (2023)

I was standing at the check-out the other day and saw that friendly small pill-sized “mints” that I used to eat like candy as a kid and naturally for nostalgia reasons, after not noticing them for years, wanted to try…